Monthly Archive: May, 2013

As A Man Thinketh

A tiny book, merely twenty one pages, sits with such deep insight and wisdom that it has infiltrated generations since its publication a hundred and eleven years ago-in 1902.  “As A Man Thinketh”… Continue reading

How Great Leaders Inspire Action- Simon Sinek

How do they most marketable brands get people -so many of them- want to identify with them? Wait for hours in line just to get their product? How does apple do it? How… Continue reading

Way To Go

By Sue Ellen ‘Let’s go to the field’ Benjie nudges his friend. ‘Nah ,movie. This field business every other time, you sweating yourself and running around is doing you no good’ Sam retorted.… Continue reading


Last month, university scholars who are beneficiaries of the Equity University Scholarship Program took a day to visit their mentees during a mentoring and leadership workshop at Pangani Girls high school, Nairobi. Their… Continue reading

Because I Love You

    A day does not go by that the thoughts of you do not come to mind. Thoughts that sometimes scare me to bits and sometimes, thoughts that even my own mind… Continue reading


Teach me, How to laugh, How to hold on to friendships, How to be a friend, How to live with them…   Teach me, How to share, How to hold back… When enough… Continue reading

WhatsApp popularity

Although WhatsApp is seen as more of an internet-based threat to text messaging than as a competitor to social networks, the almost free messaging app has attracted more monthly users than the 200… Continue reading

Sculpture Art and The Society.

Sculptural art is among one of the oldest and most revered form of art. Public sculptures tell a lot about a country. It tells of the level of socialization between the authorities and… Continue reading