Category Archive: Experience & Drama

Creative Culture in Campus.

EXPERIENCE RENDITION ART AND MUSIC CONCERTS The Rendition is a performing arts event that celebrates up and coming talent in music, poetry, theatre, fashion and fine arts. On November 1st  2013, The Rendition… Continue reading

Ibuka: Creatives in the Campus Community Emerge

On November 16th hundreds of art lovers and designers made their way to Ibuka’s  art event dubbed “If Found, Return to Africa” which hosted 40 artists in the visual and performing arts at… Continue reading

Excavating The Gold Mines

By Wambui Muriuki As I listened to their stories, aspirations and fears , I realised that we had many things in common. We all wanted better tomorrows and we longed to excel in… Continue reading

The Campus Rugby Diva

By Rosehilda Kamanga Moi University Scholar-2008 Portrait by Elsardt Kigen, University of Nairobi Scholar The newspaper had the names of the students admitted to the university; those that had made the cut of… Continue reading