Monthly Archive: August, 2012

EALP Journals Public Reading

EALP JOURNALS: PUBLIC READING EALP JOURNALS: Is a collection of literary work by Equity University Scholars and other young writers from across the world. The Journal’s tagline is: Talking to the world and… Continue reading

Performance By the National Youth Orchestra

The National Youth Orchestra put up a stunning performance themed “Opportunities in the Arts an Entertainment Industry”. The night wouldn’t have been any better…the performance was crowned by a spectacular dance by the… Continue reading

Plenary Session with Dr. Frank Njenga

Dr. Frank Njenga, Behavioral Expert, gave a talk to the scholars at the Annual Education and Leadership congress held at Kenyatta University  “Developing a Strong Self-Concept”. He emphasized the need of the scholars… Continue reading

More From the Equity Education & Leadership Congress Moments

Moments from the Annual Education and Leadership Congress held at Kenyatta University.

Plenary session with Eric Kimani, Jaine Mwai and Patricia Ithau

Talk given to the university scholars on “Leadership and Careers” by: Jaine Mwai, Head of Employee Engagement, EABL Patricia Ithau, CEO L’Oreal East Africa Eric Kimani, Philanthropist and former CEO of Kenya Tea… Continue reading

Moments from the Annual Education and Leadership Congress

The Annual Education and Leadership Congress has received its fair share of exciting moments which shouldn’t go undocumented.

Plenary session with Gowi Odera and Lorna Irungu

The scholars were treated to an amazing session on mentorship and personal development  and were encouraged to be the best they could be by Gowi Odera, a social entrepreneur, theologian, and motivational speaker.… Continue reading

Session with TPF judge Ian Mbugua

Photographer’s pick

More photos from day 1 of the Education and Leadership Congress. Photography by Simeon Kamunde

Sights from the Education & Leadership Congress, August 12th